Why is it important for you to make an investment in maths specifically? Mathematics is a foundational skill affecting all aspects of our pupils' educational journey. Across our trust in Watford, we serve communities with over 50 languages spoken. Maths provides a universal language that transcends linguistic barriers. As we move further into a tech driven world, strong mathematical foundations become increasingly crucial for our pupils' future success, making it an essential area for targeted investment.
How do you see pupils' maths results affecting pupils' overall results and well-being? For our multilingual community, confidence in mathematics offers a pathway to success that doesn't rely solely on English acquisition. When children experience success in maths, it builds self efficacy that transfers to other subjects. As technology becomes increasingly embedded in all aspects of life, mathematical confidence prepares our pupils for future opportunities, reducing anxiety about technological change and fostering readiness for the evolving landscape they'll face.
What type of pedagogy and teaching are you, as a school leader, trying to enable within your school? We're committed to teaching that emphasises true mathematical understanding rather than procedural tricks. We believe in empowering staff to use technology effectively to support workload while furthering pupils' understanding. As we prepare children for an increasingly tech driven world, our teaching approaches must model effective technology integration that enhances rather than replaces human expertise.
Why have you chosen to team up with Magma Maths? This was our first step into using educational technology for assessment, so we needed to get this initial foray right or risk losing people's confidence. Magma repeatedly shone as the programme and team that could help us succeed first time. Their understanding of both mathematics education and technology integration demonstrated they could support our careful approach to digital transformation whilst accommodating our schools' different teaching approaches.
How do you see Magma supporting your overall goal of raising attainment? Magma allows us to maintain diverse teaching approaches while establishing consistent assessment principles. Their user friendly platform ensures high adoption rates among staff, crucial for gathering comprehensive data to drive improvement. As a Trust leader, I can see what's happening across all schools and apportion resources accordingly, while individual schools maintain their autonomy within a framework of shared assessment standards.
How do you think Magma enables quality maths education in your schools? Magma provides excellent assessment tools without dictating pedagogy. The platform demonstrates how technology can enhance teaching when implemented thoughtfully. For our staff and pupils, this positive experience with assessment technology is building confidence in digital tools that support mathematics education while maintaining the human connections at the heart of learning.
What sets Magma apart from other maths software you have looked at? Magma stood out for putting true mathematical understanding at the heart of their approach, avoiding gimmicks or excessive gamification. They accommodated our trust's approach of not having a set curriculum across schools while providing consistent assessment principles. Recognising this was our first major edtech implementation, they provided tailored support that addressed potential challenges directly, ensuring our digital transformation built trust rather than scepticism.
What is data-driven teaching for you? Data-driven teaching means using meaningful information at multiple levels to improve outcomes. With Magma, I can view maths performance across the trust and allocate resources accordingly. Similarly, maths leads, headteachers, and class teachers access appropriately detailed information for their responsibilities. This approach models responsible data use for our community, developing digital literacy alongside mathematical understanding.